Big Conversation Panel Survey ONE

Closed 31 Oct 2020

Opened 14 Sep 2020

Feedback expected 2 Jan 2021

Results updated 24 Jun 2021

The purpose of the Big Conversation Panel, and its surveys, is not just about collecting data. It is about providing our residents with the opportunity to have their voice heard and to influence the decisions that are taken by Council and other public bodies such as health, education and economy. The full summary report on the Big Conversation Panel Survey 1 (October 2020) can be accessed by clicking HERE or via the link at the bottom of this page. 

The Big Conversation Panel, Covid-19 and Recovery Priorities

The first Big Conversation Panel survey (October 2020) helped confirm issues we already suspected, such as the impact of Covid-19 on emotional wellbeing and social connectivity. However, it has also pointed towards some concerning differences across our population age demographics on who experiences poorest levels of emotional wellbeing and intensity of loneliness.

The survey indicated that we need to understand why people under the age of 30 felt lonelier prior to Covid-19 when compared to those over 30, but in particular those over 50 who hardly ever felt lonely. Unsurprisingly Covid-19 lockdown did increase the feelings of loneliness across each age profile. But much less within our older population.

Are our younger residents less resilient to change? Is this the first major life disruption they have experienced? What impact does social media have on their ability to make connections? Why prior to Covid-19 do 70% of Big Conversation Panel Members under 30 say they often or sometimes felt lonely? This increased to 83% during Covid-19 lockdown.


Many public bodies, including the Council, focused our attention during Covid-19 lockdown on our older residents who we considered could be more vulnerable. Could we have done more to help our younger residents during the first lockdown? If lockdown happens again how will be better consider the needs of this age band?

Other Recovery Priorities

An open ended question on recovery priorities provided us with feedback on what our recovery priorities should be.

1. Mental Health

The stress of lockdown, the impact of furlough and job losses and the amount of misinformation on social media have impacted negatively on the emotional wellbeing of the population. Access to health services, and in particular those that provide emotional support to people, is important and Big Conversation Panel Members have provided examples of how some of these services being withdrawn during the first lockdown has negatively impacted on them. We need to look at alternative ways of providing services and giving people the tools they need to better look after their own wellbeing.

2. Social Isolation

Social connectivity has been negatively impacted by Covid-19. We need inclusive ways to reconnect people and to build community infrastructure. However, it is important to note that many Panel Members  do not belong to church groups or community organisations and we need to consider other ways of connecting with them (if they need it). We need to make sure this can be done safely.

3. Poverty

Financial assistance, support to access benefits, debt management and freezing current financial obligations have all been highlighted by Panel Members.

4. Economic Recovery

The economy has been hit hard by Covid-19 and our local businesses and business owners need help. Panel Members expressed the opinion that businesses and employees need access to financial support and that lack of access is having a negative impact on mental health.

5. Jobs and Reskilling

Unemployment is high and Panel Members feel we should prioritise creating new jobs and helping people expand their skills for re-employment.

 The Next Steps

The results from the Big Conversation Panel Survey ONE will help a number of organisations and groups make decisions regarding the design and implementation of Covid-19 recovery priorities. The information collected will be reported to the Council’s Strategic Covid Recovery Group (SCRG).

A Community Recovery Steering Group (CRSG) with membership from across the public and the community and voluntary sector has been established to develop a Community Recovery Action Plan. The CRSG Action Plan will focus on the community recovery priorities as outlined above.

Economic Recovery Groups have also been established and these will prioritise town and village regeneration, employability and skills, business recovery and tourism.

Community recovery and economic recovery groups will work together to ensure that people are at the centre of everything that we do.



The Big Conversation Panel is a platform for Ards and North Down residents to give their views on a range of issues and public services. The Big Conversation is managed by Ards and North Down Borough Council on behalf of Ards and North Down's Strategic Community Planning Partnership. 

The Big Conversation Panel - Survey ONE is open from 14 September - 31 October 2020. 

It will be supported by a further two online surveys. Survey TWO will open from 1 Ferbruary 2021, survey THREE will open from 1 June 2021.

By participating in these surveys, you are helping Ards and North Down Borough Council and its Community Planning Partners, deliver better services. Answers to questions within these surveys will help us to understand the impact of Covid-19 and the inititatives that are needed to help communities and individuals recover. 

Our questions are designed around two main themes

  1. Assessing the wellbeing of our residents
  2. Prioritising our activities for the best delivery of services

Some of the questions we ask you will be the same across all three Big Conversation Panel surveys. This is to help us understand how people's feelings and experiences change over the 12 months of the Big Conversation Panel and will provide an indicator of the population of Ards and North Down's wellbeing. 

Why your views matter

The Big Conversation Panel will gather information on what residents think about public services and how we can make them better. It will help Community Planning Partners make better decisions based on the information you tell us. It will help Partners understand the issues that affect you and your family and put in place programmes to help.

What happens next

A summary resport will be competed following each survey. This will be published on the Council's website and e-mailed to all members of the Big Conversation Panel. 





  • Residents


  • Community Consultation