EDP Mentor Feedback

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Closes 14 Mar 2025


1. What is your name?
2. What is your organisation/business?
3. Prior to working with the business mentor how would you have rated your experience/knowledge in delivery of visitor experiences? 5 is very knowledgeable and 1 is limited knowledge.
4. How helpful did you find working with a business mentor in the development of your 2025/26 experience? 5 is very helpful and 1 is not helpful.
5. Please add any detail you feel relvant to question four. Anything that you found particularly helpful or anything that you would change.
6. Did you make any changes to your experience or proceed differently because of these meetings? If you did make changes for example, price, name, detail of experience, location, please detail below. Please tick all that apply.
7. How did you find the delivery of the mentorship sessions? A: Location - Tower House B: Did you feel prepared for the session as a result of the group session you attended at Signal Business Centre. Please provide commentary on both. Please feel free to add any comments you feel to be relevant.
8. What learnings that the sessions provided were of most benefit to you? If you feel you did not benefit please write none.
9. Would you recommend that a Business Mentor be utilised, budget permitting, in a similar way next year. 5 is strongly agree that a consultant be used and 1 is disagree.