ANDBC Corporate Plan 2024-2028 - Staff Feedback

Closed 18 Dec 2023

Opened 4 Dec 2023


For the past 12 months work has been ongoing to review our current Corporate Plan (2020-24) and produce a new one (2024-28).

The Corporate Plan is a high level document that sets out the strategic direction and priorities over the next four years. All Council directorates and service areas should reflect the corporate priorities and work towards achieving the outcomes via implementation of the committments. Service plans will include measurable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

The diagram below provides an overview of Council strategies and Directorate plans to illustrate how these work together.

The Corporate Plan cannot list every service and function of the council. But it is important that people who work for the council can see how they, and their work, contribute to the vision and aspiration. 


Why your views matter

We are interested in your feedback on the proposed priorities, outcomes, committments and measures of sucess. Can you see where your service area will contribute to the implementation of the Corporate Plan. 

It is important that we produce a plan that helps us to focus our resources on the right things and we address issues that matter most to people and help us to put in place the conditions for Ards and North Down to be A Sustainable Borough.

A PDF of the Corporate Plan document is viewable on the first page of the survey.


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