Floodgates Park, Newtownards, Public Survey

Closed 13 Mar 2023

Opened 27 Feb 2023



Ards and North Down Borough Council have appointed AECOM to prepare a Concept Plan for Floodgates Park, Newtownards. The purpose of the plan is to re-imagine the area as a public space for residents and visitors to enjoy, with minimal interventions to retain its existing character (with most of the existing vegetation being retained and additional planting proposed).  The proposed path network is based on existing informal paths through the site with slight enhancements.  Please consider the proposed Concept Plan and submit your views.

(Please note that the proposed Ards FC Football Stadium does not form part of this proposal, it is annotated for information only).

Why your views matter

This consultation process is a way to ensure that the views of stakeholders are collated. Therefore, your views are very important and we would appreciate if you would complete this questionnaire.  It will only take approximately ten minutes and all you have to do is answer the questions by clicking the appropriate answer, then following the simple instructions to submit your return.


We stress that the information you provide is completely confidential and anonymous. The information captured will be used to collate views in relation to the proposed plans for Floodgates Park.  While you can request a copy of the survey which you have completed at the end, your email address is not captured.

Thank you for your time.

This questionnaire closes on 13th March 2023





  • Residents
  • Citizens
  • Customers


  • Community Consultation
  • Resident Consultation